Firstly, Welcome to the United States of America.
We were all once in your shoes, entering a new country, new life, new friends. While it may seem overwhelming and intimidating at first, it is a very simple process that you can follow just like everyone before you have done.
This guide has been prepared to guide you through your first year in the USA. We have attempted to cover all possible points that concern new international students such as education, employment, having fun, etc.
Let us begin.
There is an index provided which will help you skip to the section that matters to you.
This guide is crafted with love by Prithvi Raj Kunapareddi and Sumesh Muvvala. For the benefit of all International students at Wright State.
Some links provided may incentivize them.
Note: Most of the places gives student discount make sure to ask before billing.
Phone/SIM Transportation Banking Credit Cards Identification Documents & Driving License Employment
Differences between US Academic System and Foreign Education Systems Fees Housing Buying a Car Fun Health Shopping
Prithvi and Sumesh
In the US, there is no provision for choosing your own number so don’t waste any time looking into it. There are prepaid options and postpaid options and both can be explored.
There is no right choice when it comes to picking a provider. Premium providers offer premium service and also have the option of upgrading to a newer model of a phone such as the new iPhone at a reduced cost or monthly payment option.
Prepaid starts from $15 and postpaid starts from $30. If you do choose postpaid, please be keenly aware of the contract lock-in period. You will be locked into the contract for anywhere between 24-30 months and you cannot exit it without a penalty. Unlike some countries, the law is enforced here and will end up creating hassles for you later on if you try to exit without the proper procedure.
If you have a couple of friends, you can go for the postpaid options as it is cheaper if you have more people. You may require some credit checks therefore someone who takes the line will have to have some credit history in the US.
The best way to get around, in the beginning, is to use the potent machines provided by your creator called ‘legs’. If you are not used to walking around, it may be a challenge in the beginning. Especially if you don’t have anyone to drive you around.
America is a country built for the automobile and it is difficult to get around without a car. Imagine this, if you choose to take public transport, it may take up to 2 hours to get to your destination vs 20 short mins to reach your destination by car.